"ANUBANDHAM" A New Umbrella for Bridging Aspirant’s Needs through Direct Hiring between job Applicants & eMployers.“Anubandham” is an initiative from the Directorate of Employment & Training (DET), Government of Gujarat. The App is primarily focused to connect the opportunities with the aspirations of the youth of the State. Anubandham facilitates Job Seekers and Job Providers through auto-matching in a highly transparent and user-friendly manner. This app is also supported by the Anubandham initiative of the department. Mobile App “Anubandham” facilitates users to find and apply for a suitable job posted by the recruiters and job providers. Alerts and Notifications make them informed about their scheduled interviews and recent happening on the portal. The easy job posting, resume parser, Job Application tracking, schedule management, and advance search based on the sectors and functional areas are key features of the App.Rich user-interface and advanced functionality are an integral part of the app and enabling a better experience.